magma collective: free and open source software development 
a think and do tank working towards empowering people's relationships to the systems, economies and technologies that affect them
- current projects: cobox & dark crystal
- peers: (present) jaya klara brekke, mooness davarian, kieran gibb, & greg jones (past) dan hassan
- email: info(at)
- address: magma collective, 86-90 Paul St, London, EC2A 4NE, UK
version: 0.2
magma collective is the trading name of MAGMA T&DT LTD, a worker owned co-operative registered in England and Wales as a Limited Company: #12073017
All written materials are free to share Creative Commons (BY-NC-SA 3.0). hermes gifs by angelica. magma collective logo by jaya klara brekke.